How to Prepare a Vehicle for Shipping

How to prepare a vehicle for shipping

  You may have never shipped a vehicle before. You may not even have thought of shipping a vehicle. But suddenly, the need arises and you need to prepare a vehicle for shipping. You need to get a car to your college-aged child You winter in the south and summer in the north You purchased […]

How to Ship a Vehicle | Step-by-Step Guide

How to ship a car | step by step guide

Many times you need to ship a vehicle, rather than driving it from point to point. This step-by-step guide will help you understand how to ship a vehicle within the United States. To ship a vehicle internationally, check out How to Ship a Car Overseas. Step One: Fill Out a Quick Quote Form Gather information about your vehicle […]

Moving From the East Coast to the West Coast

Moving from the east coast to the west coast

A cross country move can be a once in a life time experience that not only is filled with exciting opportunities, but even a bit of culture shock. Recently the Huffington Post posted an article about the difference between East and West Coast cultures, which made us want to assist our clients with tips for […]

Things to Know Before a Move Across Country

Things to know before a move cross country

Moving can be a very hectic time. There are so many things that need to get done, and you need a lot of time to get organized and prepared for your move. You also need moving money because a cross country move certainly isn’t cheap. Here are a few things you need to know to […]

5 Tips for a Successful Relocation

5 Tips for a Successful Relocation  A guest post from Jeff Gish of Spokane, WA Most people don’t move often enough to become a savvy shopper when it comes time to select a moving company. So here are 5 tips to help your upcoming relocation be a successful one. 1. Plan Ahead Planning ahead and […]